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About Dang Good Services
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Small Package of batteries packaged for Air per IATA
Dry Ice keeps this flammable liquid cool
Consignment of batteries being loaded for Ocean
Dang Good services Provides hazardous materials packaging, documenting , transporting  and training services to the top 3 Defense Contractors In San Diego.DG Services provides services to all of the Freight forwarders and 3 of the major packing companies in and around San diego, If your dg has been fixed at a freight forwarder  in San Diego we probrably fixed it.

Dang Good Services is Certified to ship hazardous materials also known as Dangerous Goods Anywhere in the world by all modes of transportation.

Our consulting services have saved companies thousands of dollars in transportation costs. 
Let us consult with you over the best way to ship your materials. Often we  can take advantage of loopholes that may bring your company  substantial cost savings and regulatory relief.

Dangerous Goods Shored Dang good
​This container has been packed and shored and is certified for Ocean transport per IMO & DOT DG Regulations.
After passing final inspection the conatiner is Placarded and on its way to Long Beach Port where it will start its ocean journey.- Bon Voyage.
Got Paint? We can ship it.